2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 143

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
HI 244 The History of Terrorism (1)
An examination of the history of terrorism with the twin goals of
explaining its contemporary prevalence and its historical significance.
Emphasis is placed on the political, social, and cultural contexts
of terrorism and political violence; critical, literary, and popular
responses to terrorism; changing definitions of terrorism; and the
interrelationship between terrorism and modernity. Topics include
tyrannicide and terror in the ancient and medieval world; revolutionary
terrorism and state terror in Europe and Russia since the eighteenth
century; anarchist terrorism in Europe and the United States; white
supremacist terrorism in the United States; ethno-nationalist terrorism
in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa in the twentieth century;
anti-imperialist and international terrorism in the 1960s and 1970s;
and the recent upsurge in religiously inspired terrorism. Students who
have taken HI 120 or HON 120 cannot take this course (a Leadership
Studies designated course).
HI 245 Russian Civilization (1)
An introduction to the history of Russia and its distinctive political,
social, and cultural institutions and expressions, from the formation of
Rus in the first millennium of the common era through the breakup of
the Soviet Union (a Leadership Studies designated course).
HI 248 Modern Germany (1)
An examination of the history of Germany from the era of Bismarck
through reunification at the end of the Cold War. Topics include the
creation of the German nation-state, participation in the World Wars,
Weimar, Nazism, East and West Germany, and post-reunification. The
course emphasizes the use of Germany as a case study for studying the
problems and paradoxes of European development in the modern era.
HI 260 Social History of Latin America (1)
A study of the basic cultural influences in the history of Latin America,
including consideration of the Indian heritage, internal economic
development, the traditional role of the church, and post-independence
social structure and economic issues. Prerequisite: at least one year of
college coursework.
HI 261 Modern Latin America and the Revolutionary Tradition (1)
An analysis of the role of revolutionary change in modern Latin
American history which emphasizes the major social and political
revolutions in Mexico and Cuba and which examines the impact of
in Argentina, the military “revolution” in Peru in the 1960s
and the more recent Sandinista regime in Nicaragua. Prerequisite: at
least one year of college coursework.
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