2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 155

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
Students planning on graduate study in pure mathematics are
encouraged to take MA 317, 451, 455, 458, and 461. Those planning
graduate work in applied mathematics are encouraged to take MA 317, 321,
441, 451, 454, 461, PH 121 and 122.
Mathematics majors planning on seeking employment immediately
upon graduation are encouraged to take MA 207, 317, 321 and 441 as
mathematics electives. Those intending on an actuarial career should also
plan on taking relevant courses in related disciplines, particularly AC 221,
BA 372, 414, 415, 416, EC 201, 202, and 309.
Students planning to attain secondary teaching certification must take
MA 207, 240, and 317.
Courses required for the mathematics major may be used to meet
minor requirements in physics.
Minor Requirements
Teaching experience courses may not count toward the minor.
The following courses are required (5 units):
MA 231
MA 232
MA 310
one elective unit in MA at the 200 level or above
one elective unit in MA at the 300 level or above
Courses in Mathematics
MA 124 Precalculus Mathematics (1)
A preparation for students who plan to study calculus. This course
focuses on modeling real-world phenomena using polynomial,
rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. An
understanding of these functions is developed graphically, numerically,
analytically, and verbally. Not open to students who have passed MA
231 or equivalent. Fall, Spring.
MA 150 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (1)
An introduction to important mathematical ideas and their applications
in the real world. This course is designed for non-mathematics/science
majors and includes topics from a variety of mathematical areas at
the discretion of the instructor. Possible topics include population
modeling, the mathematics of interest and loans, environmental
modeling, probability, statistics, and the mathematics of social choice.
Not open to students who have passed MA 231 or equivalent.
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