



College recognizes six individuals with top alumni awards

College recognizes six individuals with top alumni awards

For Immediate Release
Apr. 12, 2018

BIRMINGHAM, Ala.伯明翰南方学院将于4月28日在山顶百年庆典上表彰其2018年杰出校友和杰出青年校友.

杰出校友奖旨在表彰在各自专业领域取得杰出成就的校友. The college will award the distinction to Joelle James Phillips '89, Ellen Woodward Potts '88, and Frances Osborn Robb '58, 2018 Outstanding Young Alumni Award honorees Paul Davis Fancher '97 and Jose David Vega '04, and Rising Star honoree Rachel Buchan '15. 颁奖仪式将于上午10:30举行的校友颁奖早午餐上举行.m. 星期六,4月28日,在诺顿校园中心的布鲁诺大厅.

门票每人25美元,可在4月25日之前通过联系校友参与办公室的麦肯齐·奎克(Mackenzie Quick)购买,电话:(205)226-4917. 学生票的折扣价为10美元.

2018 Distinguished Alumni Award honorees:

Joelle James Phillips ’89
Joelle James Phillips ’89 Named president of ATT Tennessee in 2013, 菲利普斯是该公司在该州100多年历史上第一位担任该职位的女性. Phillips graduated summa cum laude from law school in 1995. 在私人诊所工作了大约五年之后, 她加入Bellsouth,并在该公司位于纳什维尔的地区总部担任了几年的州运营顾问. In 2010, following BellSouth's merger with AT&T, Phillips was promoted to general counsel for Tennessee.

菲利普斯是田纳西州中部联合劝募会的董事会成员, Martin Methodist College, the Tennessee Business Roundtable, the Nashville Repertory Theater, the Cheekwood Botanical Gardens and Museum, Leadership Nashville and Leadership Tennessee. Joelle多次被《澳门新葡京官网》(Nashville Business Journal)评选为该市顶级律师的年度“最佳律师”. Nashville Post Magazine named her one of Nashville "Most Powerful Women." In 2016, the Nashville Business Journal 菲利普斯被提名为纳什维尔100位最具影响力的领袖之一. 2016年12月,《澳门新葡京官网》将菲利普斯评为“年度新闻人物”.

Ellen Woodward Potts ’88Ellen Woodward Potts 88
现任人类家园塔斯卡卢萨分会执行主任, 波茨作为社区服务的领导者而出类拔萃. Potts graduated from 澳门新葡京官网 with a degree in finance, 并在莫比尔的南阿拉巴马大学获得了MBA学位. While working for Infirmary Health Systems there, Potts developed and opened the first industrial medical clinic to serve the city’s ship-building industry; she was also active in her church, Springhill Presbyterian. In 1997, 波茨加入了阿拉巴马大学荣誉学院的兼职教员, 她还在那里教阿尔茨海默病和非营利组织的课程.

2013年,她被任命为塔斯卡卢萨人类家园的执行主任. Under Potts' leadership, the organization has partnered with Nick's Kids Foundation, the official charity of the Nick and Terry Saban family, 为阿拉巴马大学的每一届全国锦标赛建造一个栖息地之家. 自2011年1月27日的龙卷风以来,塔斯卡卢萨人居中心已经建成了50多座房屋. Potts and her husband, neurologist Dr. Daniel C. Potts ’88, wrote A Pocket Guide for the Alzheimer's Caregiver 创办了一家名为痴呆症动态的痴呆症教育公司. 通过这个组织,他们举办护理人员培训会议和其他教育活动. Potts was a contributing author for Seasons of Caring这是首个针对痴呆症护理人员的多信仰冥想集. 国际扶轮塔斯卡卢萨分会颁给波兹扶轮玫瑰奖, which goes to an unsung heroine of community service. Potts was designated an Architect of Change by Maria Shriver, and blogs monthly on Shriver's website,

Frances Osborn Robb ’58Frances Osborn Robb ’58
Robb graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from 澳门新葡京官网 in 1958, 并在北卡罗来纳大学和耶鲁大学获得了研究生学位. She has served as a curator at the National Gallery of Art, taught formally at four universities, and curated many exhibitions in Alabama. Robb’s 拍摄于阿拉巴马州:1839-1941年的摄影史和摄影师名单, published by the University of Alabama Press, is the result of decades of research, writing, and production, 并被描述为“摄影作为社会的传播者和创造者的富有洞察力的文件。, cultural, economic, and visual history.” Since 1989, 她是阿拉巴马人文基金会发言人局的成员, addressing more than 150 groups in at least 45 counties. One of these addresses, In View of Home: Alabama Landscape Photographs, 是由NEH的阿拉巴马人文基金会模范基金资助的,并获得了1989年国家人文基金会颁发的施瓦茨奖,以表彰其全州最佳人文项目.

2018 Outstanding Young Alumni Award honorees:

Paul Davis Fancher ’97Paul Davis Fancher ’97
从理学士学院毕业后,范彻在范德比尔特大学法学院获得了法律学位. 在搬到亚特兰大并加入Troutman Sanders LLP之前,他继续在华尔街为世界上最大的律师事务所之一执业证券法, an Atlanta-based law firm with more than 600 attorneys. Fancher became a partner at Troutman in January 2011. He has received the Southeastern Chapter Young Lawyer Ethics & Professionalism Award, among numerous other honors. Fancher, in addition to providing numerous nonprofits with pro bono legal service, has served on the board of the Atlanta Children's Shelter, and the Advisory Committee ACLU of Georgia Foundation.

Jose David Vega ’04Jose David Vega ’04
Vega graduated summa cum laude 2004年获得理学士学位,2007年获得维克森林法学院法律学位. For more than a decade, 维嘉曾代表商业企业和金融机构处理全国各地的诉讼事务. Vega就隐私和安全合规问题向客户提供建议, 努力确保其系统的完整性,并在数据泄露后提供调查和补救服务. He is a member of Bradley's Privacy, Security and Innovation team, 哪一个是银行及金融服务实务小组的成员. In addition to his primary practice, he represents pro bono 根据《澳门新葡京官网》(又称《澳门新葡京官网》),为国际客户提供服务,并致力于确保被非法带走的儿童立即返回.  他是国际隐私专业协会的成员, 也是夏洛特遗产倡导中心等多个委员会的成员, Pat's Place Child Advocacy Center. Vega has been selected by Super Lawyers as a Rising Star from 2015-2018.

Rising Star honoree:

Rachel Buchan ’15Rachel Buchan ’15
巴肯在伯明翰南方大学获得了心理学和宗教学士学位,并获得了音乐荣誉学位,并在土耳其获得了富布赖特奖学金. Prior to joining Capstone LLC in 2017, Buchan served in The Office of Barack and Michelle Obama, helping establish the President and Mrs. 奥巴马离开白宫后,他们的私人办公室的程序. At Capstone, Buchan leads the outreach team. 她担任政策日、电话会议和私募股权项目的研究协调员. Buchan’s top priority is identifying key policy makers, 利益相关者和行业专家,让客户全面了解不断变化的政策和法规如何影响市场. 她还曾为国会议员马特·卡特赖特的办公室工作, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and Human Rights First.