



Success Stories

Success Stories


Our graduates pursue a wide variety of health related careers and are accepted into professional schools at rates much higher than the national average. For example, nationwide, 只有45%的申请者能进入医学院——但在理学士学院, 67 percent do. Check it out:

Health Profession School % 澳门新葡京官网 Applicants Admitted
medical 67
public health 100
dental 68
nursing 81
physician assistant 79
pharmacy 87.5
physical therapy 89
optometry 67
veterinary 92


"作为一名正在攻读物理治疗博士学位的研究生, I constantly find myself saying a silent "thank you" to my 澳门新葡京官网 professors for preparing me for the next leg of my academic career. 我在澳门新葡京官网的生物课不仅给了我一个坚实的知识基础,我可以从中建立, but they also, and perhaps more importantly, taught me how to be an engaged student—and for that, I am eternally grateful."

Matt Matlock '10 / Biology
Ph. D. 阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校物理治疗专业学生



    Julieanna Dufek Brandino, class of 1996

    CSI Birmingham

    Julieanna BrandinoJulieanna Brandino has the important daily task of supervising and participating in crime scene and death investigation information; conducting autopsies; and collecting evidence/specimens for toxicological, histological, radiological, and DNA analysis.

    But despite her job's grim glamour, Brandino delights in using her Birmingham-Southern biology background to help identify those who are nameless and help families find their missing loved ones.

    In 1999, she was appointed to the Jefferson County Coroner/Medical Examiner's Office as the forensic pathology assistant. While the field of pathology is the study of disease, forensic pathologists work with the medicolegal investigation of death and investigate cases with suspicious, unexpected, or undetermined causes of death.

    “Because 澳门新葡京官网 allows for students to have the opportunity to contract their own class during the January Interim term, I was given the unique opportunity my senior year to gain the much-needed exposure/experience in the specialized field of forensic science,” says Brandino, who is from Birmingham. “This exposure/experience of autopsies and crime scene investigation gave me the edge over other applicants to ‘get my foot in the door' working for the Jefferson County Coroner/ME Office as a morgue technician.”

    Brandino already has compiled quite an impressive résumé from both her undergraduate and professional careers. She has studied rodents in the premontaine rainforest in Costa Rica; attended numerous forensic photography and skeletal remains search/recovery workshops in Miami and New Orleans; and received valuable mass disaster training at several local and state agencies, 包括安尼斯顿的国家应急训练中心.

    “Dr. 毕业后不久,肖打电话给我,告诉我县里有个职位空缺,” says Brandino. “This confirmed that I was not just another number … the faculty at 澳门新葡京官网 were genuinely interested in helping to further my career path.”


    Dr. Justin Cotney, class of 2002

    Painting a better picture of cellular function

    a clearer picture of how human cells function.利用生物化学工具和现代高通量测序技术, 贾斯汀·考特尼(Justin Cotney)每天都来工作,帮助科学家更清楚地了解人类细胞的功能.

    作为分子学系的博士后, Cell, and Developmental Biology at Yale University in Connecticut, 科特尼正在开发一种高通量测定方法,用于鉴定大量蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用. 这项工作可以为人类细胞中蛋白质相互作用提供更高分辨率的图谱, 提供对细胞功能的新认识,确定治疗疾病的新药物靶点.

    “The education and training I received in the Biology Department at Birmingham-Southern gave me a distinct advantage when moving on to graduate school at Emory University,” says Cotney, who grew up in Daviston, Ala. “The department focuses not on memorization of facts, 而是培养可以应用于任何科学问题的思考和解决问题的能力.”

    Cotney earned his doctorate in genetics and molecular biology from Emory University in May 2008 studying mechanisms of mitochondrial gene expression and mitochondrial biogenesis. During his graduate career, 他曾在耶鲁大学的实验室担任访问副研究员. 杰拉尔德·沙德尔和他共同为科学期刊写了几篇文章.

    During his undergraduate career in biology at 澳门新葡京官网, 科特尼活跃于西格玛兄弟会和三贝塔生物学荣誉. 他还与澳门新葡京官网生物学教授博士共同撰写了两篇关于分子生物学的期刊文章. Leo Pezzementi等人在一次全国会议上展示了他们的原创作品.

    “In particular, Dr. 佩泽门蒂给了我在他的实验室进行常规课程之外的研究的机会,” Cotney reflects. “He taught me many techniques, procedures, 以及我在整个职业生涯中一直在使用的思维技巧. 正是像这样的个人互动才使澳门新葡京官网教育真正有价值.”


    Dr. Sean Groark, class of 1985

    A heart to give back

    Dr. Sean Groark, class of 1985Dr. 肖恩·格罗克的医疗事业使他从范德比尔特大学医学中心成为心脏病学研究员, through executive leadership stints at Huntsville Hospital, 到亨茨维尔阿拉巴马大学的医学助理教授.

    以最优等成绩毕业于伯明翰南方大学,获得生物和化学双学位, 然后是著名的约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的学位, 格罗克现在一心一意要回报他所接受的教育.

    “我最近加入了一群澳门新葡京官网学生去罗阿坦的临时旅行, 在那里,我们深深沉浸在珊瑚礁生态和洪都拉斯岛屿文化中,” says Groark, a Birmingham native. “我有一个难得的机会再次成为一名学生,并与澳门新葡京官网学生互动, 希望我能让他们认识到在理学士学院接受文科教育的价值.”

    Groark names Professor Emeritus of Biology Dan Holliman, Professor of Biology Andy Gannon, and Ada Rittenhouse Snavely Professor of Biology Wayne Shew among the many great 澳门新葡京官网 teachers who helped to prepare him for the challenges of medical school and beyond.

    “我在澳门新葡京官网学过的每一位教授都对我很感兴趣,一路给予我帮助,” says Groark, who was a biology teaching assistant his senior year. “I not only learned to master the material presented to me, 但我也学会了批判性思考,并运用我所学到的知识来解决问题.



    Allison Hargett, class of 2004

    Passion at the zoo

    Allison Hargett, class of 2004Taking courses like vertebrate anatomy, vertebrate zoology, and animal behavior at Birmingham-Southern have proven to be extremely beneficial for animal lover Allison Hargett in her new career as a zookeeper at the Knoxville (Tenn.) Zoological Gardens.

    Since 2007, Hargett has spent her work days preparing food for the animals at the zoo as well as keeping the animal's cages and environment free from potentially dangerous compounds, items or debris. She also gives guided tours, among her varied duties.

    “Thanks to the 澳门新葡京官网 Biology Department, 我可以为动物园的游客提供动物生活史的信息, taxonomy, and behavior,” says Hargett, a native of Russellville, Ala. “I'm also able to assist with ongoing research projects at the zoo and can make well-informed recommendations to my superiors regarding animal care.”

    During her undergraduate career, Hargett earned membership in several honoraries at 澳门新葡京官网, including the Beta Beta Beta Biology Honor Society. Afterward, she attended the University of Nevada in Reno where she received a master's degree in biology with a specialty in animal behavior. 作为一名研究生,哈格特获得了作为生物学助教的宝贵经验.

    “I know that what I gained from the Biology Department at 澳门新葡京官网 helped prepare me for graduate school and will continue to serve me throughout my career,” she says. “伯明翰南方大学所有的生物教职员工:谢谢你们!"


    Dr. James “Scott” McClellan, class of 1997

    A dual role of solving critical problems of health

    Dr. James “Scott” McClellan, class of 1997Inspired by his undergraduate experiences in Dr. Leo Pezzementi在伯明翰南部生物系的实验室, 斯科特·麦克莱伦听从了自己的内心和导师的建议,申请了医学博士和博士双学位.D. program after graduating from 澳门新葡京官网.

    McClellan earned the prestigious degree in 2006 from Washington University School of Medicine with a specialty in virology/immunology. 现在他是位于洛斯帕洛斯的斯坦福大学医学院内科的住院医师, Calif., and a hematology/oncology fellow.

    “Dr. 佩泽门蒂是第一个提出医学博士和博士双学位的人.D课程对我来说可能是一个职业选择,”麦克莱伦说,他是安尼斯顿人. “I am thrilled to be in a position to help patients and to pursue scientific questions that impact human health.”

    在成为一名医生/科学家之前,麦克莱伦从澳门新葡京官网毕业于Phi Beta Kappa生物学专业. As a graduate student at Washington, he earned a fellowship from the Cancer Research Institute of New York City and received a Keystone Symposia Fellowship to conduct biomedical research.

    麦克莱伦说:“我在澳门新葡京官网读本科时就发表了一篇‘第一作者’论文. “我现在意识到,这是一个多么难得的机会——在大多数本科院校都很罕见, particularly at schools the size of Birmingham-Southern. 如果没有布朗博士的帮助,我绝对不可能获得这个双学位. Pezzementi和其他伯明翰南方大学的生物系教员.”


    Nikki Rombough, class of 2006

    A job that's no fish tale

    Nikki Rombough, class of 2006妮基·罗姆博的职业生涯既机智又无畏. As an associate aquarist for Walt Disney Co. in Orlando, she assists with the collection, maintenance, and well being of fish, sharks, turtles, and stingrays in the park's aquarium.

    “I work for Epcot's Living Seas aquarium where I dive twice a day to feed our animals and assess any problems that our population might have,” describes Rombough. “Every few months, I'm sent down to Castaway Cay (Disney's private island in the Bahamas) to take care of our population of Southern stingrays and to help run our guest interaction program on the island.”

    Originally from Hayward, Calif., Rombough reflects on a 澳门新葡京官网 Interim trip to the Galapagos Islands and her research on animal behavior with Dr. Megan Gibbons, associate professor of biology, 这两个最大的因素促使她成为了一名鱼类动物园管理员.

    “The research into animal behavior was a catalyst for getting me interested in how animals learn and how they adapt once learning has taken place,” she says. “That's definitely helped me in my current role since we do a lot of training and husbandry to enrich our animals, make their lives healthier, 如果我们出于某种原因不得不处理他们的事情,这对他们和我们来说都是件容易的事.”

    As a student at Birmingham-Southern, Rombough supplemented her biology studies with a minor in Spanish and was a member of the college's softball team. Her senior year, 最后一个赛季,她打出了创纪录的垒球成绩,并被评为澳门新葡京官网年度最佳运动员.

    When it came to choosing her career, 她很感激澳门新葡京官网为她提供了跟随自己内心的技能和机会.

    加拉帕戈斯群岛之旅真的重新建立了我对海洋和海洋生物的热爱,” says Rombough. “Being able to dive there (Galapagos) was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that lit a fire for me wanting to dive as much as I could to see as many different creatures as possible.”

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