2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 274

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
Dual Enrollment
Birmingham-Southern College offers the dual enrollment plan to gifted
Birmingham area high school seniors who might wish to take college
courses for credit while still attending high school.
A student who is selected for the dual enrollment plan may take only
one course per term. One unit equals 4 semester hours or 6 quarter hours.
A dual enrollee is expected to meet all the requirements in courses that are
required of regular college students. The student will receive regular college
credit on the permanent record for all courses completed successfully. These
credits may not be substituted for high school courses, however.
Applications should be sent to the Office of Admission, Birmingham-
Southern College, Birmingham, Alabama 35254. They should be submitted
as early as possible and not later than two weeks before the opening of a
Information concerning requirements for dual enrollment may also be
obtained from the Office of Admission.
A student who withdraws or fails to register during any regular term
(unless he or she has transient approval for a study abroad or similar
program) and who later wishes to resume studies at Birmingham-Southern
College must file an application for readmission to the College with the
Office of Admission. If the student has attended any other institutions in
the meantime, an official transcript from
institution must be filed.
Readmission is determined in the same manner as for a regular transfer
applicant. Applicants for readmission must be approved by the Provost and
Dean of Students. The College reserves the right to require any readmitted
student to meet graduation requirements as indicated in the catalog in
effect at the time of re-entry to the College. A $50 readmit fee is required.
A student who has been suspended from Birmingham-Southern College
for academic reasons, in addition to following the procedure indicated
above, must make a written request for readmission to the Provost. A
student in this category can be readmitted only with the authorization of
the Provost and is readmitted on academic probation.
A student who has withdrawn from the College for medical reasons
must receive a medical clearance from the College before being eligible for
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