2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 284

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
Attempted unit
refers to a unit attempted and either successfully or
unsuccessfully completed. Attempted units include incompletes,
dropped units, official withdrawals, unofficial withdrawals,
unsatisfactory grades, failing grades, and repeated units.
Title IV programs
include Federal Pell Grant, Supplemental
Educational Opportunity Grant, Perkins Loan, Direct Loan, Federal
Work Study, and any other program defined as Title IV by the
federal government.
The eligible Title IV applicant at the College must meet all of these
minimum requirements: qualitative, quantitative, and maximum time
Qualitative Requirement.
Minimum cumulative grade point average (cumGPA)
1.50 cum GPA from 1-6.75 attempted units
1.80 cum GPA from 7-14.75 attempted units
2.00 cum GPA 15+ attempted units.
Quantitative Requirement.
Successful completion of at least 67 percent of
all units attempted. This quantitative measure is designed to ensure that the
student completes the academic program within the maximum time frame.
Maximum Time Frame.
The College expects the student to complete
program requirements and graduate within a reasonable period of time.
Full-time students must complete all required course work within
12 regular semesters.
Part-time students must complete all required course work within
24 regular semesters.
The College measures Satisfactory Academic Progress at the
end of each spring semester. The Office of Financial Planning suspends Title
IV aid and sends a written notice to a student if the student does not meet
all three measures of academic progress for the purpose of receiving Title IV
financial aid.
A student has the right to appeal the decision to suspend Title
IV eligibility based on failure to meet minimum standards of academic
progress. The Office of Financial Planning provides an appeal form that
may be submitted by the student and the student’s academic advisor. An
appeal is reviewed promptly by the College’s Financial Aid committee,
and the student is notified in writing of the decision. The decision of the
committee may include a probationary period or a specific plan to assist
the student to reinstate Title IV eligibility. The decision of the committee is
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