2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 36

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
Birmingham-Southern average and cumulative average. The mini-
mum acceptable grade point average at the end of the first year is
1.50. At the end of the sophomore year it is 1.80. At the end of the
junior year and thereafter it is 2.00.
(3) Failure to satisfy the Provost of the College that satisfactory progress
is being made toward a degree.
During the probationary period, a student may not hold any
student office, participate in intercollegiate athletics, or make any public
appearances as a representative of the College.
A student remains on probation for at least one term excluding
the Exploration term. To be removed from probation, a student must
successfully complete at least three full-unit courses or the equivalent
during a regular term, or two full-unit courses during a summer term, and
must satisfy the Provost that he or she is making consistent progress toward
a degree by meeting the academic year grade point average requirements.
A student who has not been removed from probation after the required
time may be allowed to remain in college on probation if, in the judgment
of the Provost, the student has made reasonable progress toward attaining
the required academic year grade point average. Although the Provost may
allow a student to remain in college on probation beyond the required
probationary period, a veteran or other eligible person may not receive V.A.
educational benefits for more than one term or the equivalent while on
Academic Suspension
A student who is on academic probation will be suspended for
academic reasons if at the end of any term the student fails to satisfy the
Provost that he or she is making reasonable progress toward a degree.
A student on academic suspension is not permitted to engage in an
Exploration term project or to enroll in the College during the regular
term or summer term that follows immediately the date of suspension.
Courses taken at another institution during academic suspension are not
transferable to Birmingham-Southern College.
Disciplinary Suspension
A student on disciplinary suspension is not permitted to engage in an
Exploration term project or to enroll in the College during a regular term
or summer term that occurs during the time of suspension. Similar to the
Academic Suspension policy, courses taken at another institution during
disciplinary suspension are not transferable to Birmingham-Southern
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