2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 37

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
Academic Dismissal
A student who has been readmitted to the College after academic
suspension may be dismissed from the College for academic reasons if he
or she continues to fail to make satisfactory progress toward a degree.
Withdrawal from the College
A student who is enrolled during any term may withdraw from the
College only with permission of the Provost. A student who discontinues
studies without permission of the Provost will receive an “F” in all courses
that term.
In order to obtain permission to withdraw, a student should first
consult the Office of the Provost and then complete the withdrawal form
and proper check out. If the student must withdraw for medical reasons, his
or her request must be supported by a physician’s certificate.
The College reserves the right to require at any time the withdrawal of
any student whose conduct or academic standing it regards as undesirable,
either for the sake of the student or the College.
See catalog section Admission to the College under Refunds for
information on refund of tuition to which a student may be entitled upon
Student’s Leave of Absence
A student may apply for a leave of absence from the College for a
specified period of time for purposes related to the educational program
of the College or for other reasons approved by the Provost. Students may
receive a leave of absence for medical reasons, including pregnancy, as
provided by Title IX of The Higher Education Act. If the student does not
return to the College after the specified period of the leave, the student
must apply for readmission.
Application for Degrees
Formal application for a degree should be filed with the Records
Office before the beginning of the term in which the candidate expects to
complete degree requirements. Failure to file such application may delay
A graduation fee of $200 is charged each applicant for any degree. This
fee covers costs of the student’s diploma and academic regalia and is added
to the bill for the last term of residence. All financial obligations to the
College must be discharged prior to graduation.
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