2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 63

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
AR 372
AR 471 and 472
AR 499
Maintain a 3.0 GPA in all studio art (AR) and art history (ARH) courses
B.A. in Studio Art (13 units):
AR 111
AR 112
AR 150 and 250
four units in art history (ARH), at least two of which must be from ARH
114, 215, or 216
three units in studio art at the 300 level or above in at least two
different disciplines (drawing, painting, photography, printmaking,
or sculpture)
AR 372
AR 471
Minor Requirements
The following courses are required (5 units):
AR 111 or 112
AR 150
ARH 215 or 216
two units in studio art (AR) at the 300 level or above
Studio art majors with art history minors may use ARH 215 and/or ARH
216 to satisfy both major and minor requirements. However, art history
courses at the 300 level and above cannot be used to satisfy both major and
minor requirements.
Courses in Studio Art
AR 101 Basic Painting (1)
A studio course dealing with the fundamental principles of oil
painting, accompanied by supplemental exercises aimed at developing
elementary drawing skills. Fall, Spring.
AR 111 Two-Dimensional Design (1)
A studio course emphasizing structural and proportional organization
through problems in line, tonal contrast, and color relationship,
employing a variety of materials. Fall, Spring.
AR 112 Three-Dimensional Design (1)
A studio course emphasizing composition and construction techniques
through a series of three-dimensional projects. Fall, Spring.
AR 150 Drawing I (1)
A studio course dealing with basic principles of drawing. This course
emphasizes drawing skills and perception. Fall, Spring.
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