2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 65

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
AR 311 Sculpture I (1)
A studio experience in several traditional sculptural concepts and
media, including modeling, casting, and carving. Prerequisite: AR 112.
Fall, Spring.
AR 312 Sculpture II (1)
Advanced sculptural problems, their concepts and media. Prerequisite:
AR 311. Fall, Spring.
AR 313 Sculpture III (1)
A studio experience in advanced techniques and conceptual approaches
to sculpture. Prerequisite: AR 312. Fall, Spring.
AR 321, 421 Photography: From Chemistry to Digital (1
A studio experience in the fundamentals of silver and digital image
processing including 35mm film and paper processing, Photoshop
and archival digital print processing. An SLR camera, either film or
digital, with manual control options is required. Students must have an
understanding of SLR camera mechanics, most likely from completing
AR 222. May be repeated as AR 421 with approval. Prerequisites: AR 111
or AR 150.
AR 322, 422 Photography: Alternative Processes (1)
A studio experience in the various alternative approaches to
photographic image making including, but not limited to cyanotype,
albumen, gum bichromate, transfer processes, and pin-hole cameras.
An SLR camera, either film or digital, with manual control options
is required. Students must have an understanding of SLR camera
mechanics, most likely from completing AR 222. May be repeated as AR
422 with approval. Prerequisites: AR 111 or AR 150.
AR 324, 424 Photography as Witness: Photojournalism and the Art of
Visual Narrative (1)
A studio experience in the various approaches to photojournalism and
the creation of visual narratives in photography. An SLR camera, either
film or digital with manual control options, and an understanding of
its mechanics, from previous experience or from completing AR 222,
is required. With the successful completion of AR 324, the course may
be repeated as AR 424 with approval. Prerequisite: AR 111 or AR 150; or
two introductory courses in MFS.
AR 330, 430 Intaglio Printmaking (1)
A studio experience in printmaking’s most versatile technique.
The course develops an individual’s competency conceptually and
technically in collagraph, drypoint, ImagOn, soft-ground, hard-ground
and aquatint etching. May be repeated as AR 430 with approval.
Prerequisites: AR 111 or AR 150. Fall, Spring.
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