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Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2015-2016

MA 451 Abstract Algebra (1


Topics include binary operations, groups, subgroups, group

homomorphisms, factor groups, and a brief introduction to rings and

fields. Prerequisite: MA 335.

MA 454 Numerical Analysis (1)

An introduction to numerical methods of solution and their analysis.

Topics include computer arithmetic, propagation of error, systems of

linear and non-linear equations, numerical integration, curve fitting, and

differential equations. Prerequisite: MA 310.

MA 455 Introduction to Topology (1)

An introduction to the topology of Euclidean space and/or surfaces. Topics

include continuity, compactness, cell complexes, and the classification

of surfaces. Applications include fixed-point theorems, the Jordan curve

theorem, and map colorings. Prerequisites: MA 310 and MA 335.

MA 458 Introduction to Complex Analysis (1)

Complex numbers, analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, curves

and integrals, Cauchy’s Theorem and applications, Taylor and Laurent

series, analytic continuation, Residue Theorem, harmonic functions, and

conformal mappings. Prerequisites: MA 310 and MA 335.

MA 461 Real Analysis (1)

A rigorous treatment of sequences, limits, continuity, differentiation,

infinite series, sequences and series of functions, uniform convergence and

its implications for function series. Prerequisites: MA 310 and MA 335.

MA 470 Research Seminar in Mathematics (1)

A seminar in reading and presenting advanced mathematics in preparation

for proposing an independent research topic. Each student will read and

present articles of interest to the class, building both a mathematical

foundation upon which a research proposal can be written, and developing

the skills for presenting quantitative work. Toward the end of the term, each

student will write, revise and defend a proposal for independent research.

Instructor consent required. Prerequisites: MA 335 and senior standing.


MA 499 Senior Project in Mathematics (1)

An independent research project in mathematics where students investigate

a topic proposed in MA 470. Students work closely with a supervising

faculty member, formally write up their results, and present their research

to the campus community for their senior conference. Students may also