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Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2015-2016

PH 303 Optical Physics (1)

Electromagnetic waves: reflection, refraction, dispersion, and absorption.

Geometrical optics of lens and mirror systems. Physical optics of

polarization, coherence, interference, and diffraction. Three lectures and

one laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: completion of or current

enrollment in PH 201. Fall.

PH 304 Thermal Physics (1)

Classical and quantum statistical mechanics of many-particle systems.

Statistical ensembles and probability distribution functions. Applications

to thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, solid-state physics, and low-

temperature physics. Prerequisite: completion of or current enrollment in

PH 201. Spring.

PH 402 Classical Mechanics (1)

Principles and applications of classical mechanics using vectors, tensors,

and calculus. Kinematics and dynamics of a particle, harmonic motion,

central forces, linear and angular momentum, and rigid-body mechanics.

Three lecture periods each week. Prerequisite: PH 201. Spring.

PH 404 Electricity and Magnetism (1)

Electric and magnetic fields and their interaction with material matter,

direct and alternating current circuits, Maxwell’s equations, and

electromagnetic theory of radiation. Three lecture periods each week.

Prerequisite: PH 201. Spring.

PH 410 Research in Physics (1)

Advanced guided inquiry in a subject (theoretical, computational, or

experimental) selected by the student in consultation with a member of

the physics faculty. Requirements include a paper written in the style of a

scientific journal article and an oral presentation to students and faculty.

Prerequisites: PH 122.

PH 412 Quantum Mechanics (1)

The postulates of quantum mechanics, solutions of the Schrödinger

equation for systems in one and three dimensions, matrix representations,

angular momentum operators, approximation methods, and time

dependence. Prerequisite: PH 402.

PH 499 Senior Project in Physics (1)

Independent research in a subject (experimental or theoretical) that brings

to bear the student’s accumulated knowledge and skills in the discipline. A