






Birmingham-南部 College is committed to providing a safe and comfortable learning, 生活, 为所有学生提供良好的工作环境, 教师, 工作人员, and campus visitors; free from 性侵犯 or harassment, 剥削, 约会/家庭暴力, stalking; as well as discrimination based on sex, 性取向, 性别, 性别认同, 性别表达. 澳门新葡京官网不会容忍这种行为.

If you are aware of any behaviors by a student, 教师, or 工作人员 member which may violate the College’s Sexual Misconduct (第九条) Policy, 包括上面提到的行动, you may confidentially report them through our S不当性行为举报表格. (Go to report type and select Sexual Misconduct Form). 该表格允许匿名报告, but the College encourages you to login through the link near the top of the form to permit the most effective follow up. You will find further guidance on the report form.

You may also report any incident or situation directly, 以及寻求保密的支持, through various departments and officials at 澳门新葡京官网 and in Birmingham. Please see the relevant resources listed in the table at the bottom of this page.

Seven Steps to Follow after an Incident Occurs



    寻求安全 - find a friend or place on campus where you feel safe. 如果你不能很快到达那里, seek out help from a 澳门新葡京官网 教师 or 工作人员 member who can help get you to safety. The following resources are available to help you seek safety.

    • 联系校园警察 at 205.226.4700. 
    • Once you are safe, the 危机中心 of Birmingham is available 24/7/365 at 205.323.7273. 强奸的反应 工作人员 are specially trained to handle 性侵犯 cases and the needs of the caller are assessed and appropriate referrals are made.
    • 拨打澳门新葡京官网咨询205.226.4717 and let them know you would like to speak with someone about a confidential matter. 澳门新葡京官网 Counseling is a confidential place and they are not required to report anything when you speak with them. 如果是下班后, Campus Police or your Resident Advisor (who are mandated reporters) can help connect you with a Counselor. You do not need to tell them specific information about the assault, but that you need to speak with a Counselor about a confidential matter. 


    It is important that you are safe and get medical attention if necessary. 危机中心's SANE Nurse provides individualized care in a private facility away from a busy emergency room. 通过使用SANE程序, the amount of time spent for examination and treatment can be reduced significantly. You can contact the 强奸的反应 Hotline at 205.323.7273 or 点击这里 了解更多信息. If you are assaulted and are going to be seen by a SANE nurse, 避免洗澡, 洗澡, 改变衣服, or urinating if possible to help preserve any evidence. If you need a ride, Campus Police can help you get to the 危机中心. 


    第三步:隐私vs. 保密. 在那个时候决定什么对你是正确的.

    Privacy and confidentiality are different and it is important you understand why these words matter.

    • 澳门新葡京官网 Counselors, Health Services, and 澳门新葡京官网's Chaplain are confidential sources. This means they will not share what you tell them with anyone else. If you choose to disclose an incident of 性骚扰 or assault, 约会暴力, 或者性别歧视, they will not inform the 第九条协调员 and the matter will not be investigated unless you take other action.
    • 隐私意味着其他教员, 工作人员, or trained students (like a Resident Assistant) are encouraged to inform the 第九条协调员 of a 第九条 violation. While not required to, we want to ensure you receive all possible means of support. 不管他们报告什么, they will respect your information and only share what is necessary with individuals that need to know to support you.

    Step 4: Consider Reporting the Incident with Birmingham-南部

    Report the incident to the 第九条协调员 or any trusted 教师, 工作人员, or mandatory reporter (like your RA) at 澳门新葡京官网. You can make the report by phone, email, or in person. A list of 澳门新葡京官网校园资源 that you can report to is available below. If a formal or informal process moves forward, you will be communicated with every step of the way. 该过程的概述可以是 在这里找到.

    Step 5: Decide Whether to Make a Police Report

    We encourage you to consider making a report with local authorities. We can assist and support you in making that report. We can provide transport, escort, or information to make a police report and further legal steps. A decision to or not to file a report with local authorities is up to you as a survivor and will not prevent 澳门新葡京官网 from conducting its own investigation.


    We want you to feel safe and comfortable where you learn, 研究, 和生活, 作为我们社区的一员. Supportive measures such as changes in coursework, 住房, 工作学习任务, or other areas of your 澳门新葡京官网 experience can be put into place to assist you. 


    No one should ever have to experience 性骚扰, 性侵犯, 约会或家庭暴力, 或者性别歧视. You are a part of the 澳门新葡京官网 family and we are all here to support you. 记得:
    • 对自己好一点. Sexual assault has immediate and long term effects, and you are not to blame for what has happened.
    • Attend counseling or support sessions with 澳门新葡京官网 Counseling or the 危机中心. 这两项服务都是免费的.
    • 和你信任的人交谈. Let friends or family know if you are struggling and need help.

如果你想举报性别歧视, 性骚扰, 性侵犯, or retaliation for reporting any of these offenses, you may use the online report form or contact one of the resources:



名字 Title 电子邮件 电话号码 办公室的位置



(电子邮件保护) (205) 226-4722 诺顿230
Dana Bekurs


(电子邮件保护) (205) 226-4725 诺顿226


(电子邮件保护) (205) 226-4702 学生服务270


(电子邮件保护) (205) 226-4717 诺顿252


(电子邮件保护) (205) 226-4717 诺顿252
*牧师. 朱莉·霍利


(电子邮件保护) (205) 226-4761 诺顿120

 * Indicates a Confidential Individual not required to report to the 第九条协调员


名字 Address 网站 电话号码

(205) 323- 7273

800 - 656的希望

危机中心 第八大道3600号. 南501室 危机中心

(205) 323-7777

阿拉巴马中部的女青年会 23街309号. 北 女青年会

(205) 322-9922

(205) 322-4878

第14大道1135号. 南 阿拉巴马州

(205) 453-7261




(205) 407-5799

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