2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 254

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
by the Provost. To elect “S”/”U” credit, a student must have at least 15 units
of college credit; otherwise, the courses receive letter grades. A maximum of
two units may be earned for independent study and special topics courses.
(3) 297, 397, 497 EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING (½ or 1 unit).
Experiential learning is a program of learning outside the traditional
classroom designed to encourage students to learn through experience in
a non-academic setting. Offcampus projects are directed by Birmingham-
Southern faculty members who share supervision with a field supervisor in
the cooperating institution. Pre-professional internship courses (397, 497)
may carry a “GEN” designation or a disciplinary designation. They may
not be used to fulfill general education requirements. Unless a discipline
specifies otherwise, all off-campus projects are evaluated “S” or “U.” A
maximum of two units may be earned for experiential learning credit
according to the designations which follow.
297 Career Orientation Practicum (½)
Career orientation practicums are designed to give students an overview
of diverse professions and various career options. They are intended
to develop in the students a realistic understanding of the dimensions
of various careers, an identification of the skills and values necessary
to work in those careers, and the background for designing a college
program that will yield great flexibility in choosing a profession. The
practicum may be repeated once.
397 Pre-Professional Internship I (1)
Practical experience is offered for students who have some basic skills
and/or knowledge in a professional area. Prerequisites are determined
by each discipline. The project may be repeated once.
497 Pre-Professional Internship II (1)
This project is for students with advanced skills and/or broad
knowledge in a professional area. Students are given the opportunity
to practice skills which will be necessary at post-undergraduate entry
into a career, or to further develop abilities which will be beneficial in a
graduate program. Prerequisites are determined by each discipline. The
project may be repeated once.
(4) 298, 398, 498 TEACHING EXPERIENCE (½ or 1 unit). The
amount of credit is determined by the faculty sponsor. When the student
receives credit for a teaching experience, he or she engages in activities that
are commensurate with the designation “Teaching Fellow,” which may
include some combination of the following: setting up and/or teaching
laboratories, assisting the instructor in creating or revising a course,
collaborating with the instructor in preparation of examinations and other
assignments and in the grading of these assignments, developing in-class
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