2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 245

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
Courses in Leadership Studies
LS 200 Leadership Studies: Theory and Practice (1)
An introduction to the academic study of leadership from both
theoretical and practical perspectives. Not limited to students in the
Leadership Studies program. Prerequisite: at least one year of college
coursework. Fall, Spring.
LS 300 Leadership Practicum (½)
A real-world application of leadership principles. Distinction students
practice leadership by working cooperatively with others to design and
complete a community project. Projects vary by term. Prerequisite: LS
200. Fall, Spring.
LS 400 Leadership Studies Capstone (½)
A senior capstone seminar for the distinction in leadership studies
program. Students complete an in-depth study of leadership and a
public presentation. Prerequisite: LS 300. Fall, Spring.
LS 498 Teaching Experience in Leadership Studies (1)
Experience in the teaching of LS 200 Leadership Studies: Theory and
Practice or LS 300 Leadership Practicum under the supervision of
a member of the faculty. This course does not count toward the
completion of the Distinction in Leadership Studies. Prerequisites: LS
200 and consent.
Hess Fellows Advocacy Internships
The Hess Fellows Advocacy Program provides an intensive internship
opportunity that connects students with non-profit advocacy organizations.
Students complete an eight-week summer internship. They participate as
full members of the agencies, helping build organizational capacity by
conducting research, facilitating coalitions among constituencies, leading
community outreach programs, organizing lobbying efforts, coordinating
grassroots campaigns, and other means. Applications are due in February
each year.
The First-Year Leadership Challenge
The First-Year Leadership Challenge is a co-curricular experience
offered during the month of January that helps students identify their
leadership strengths and position themselves for success at Birmingham-
Southern College. The Challenge introduces leadership concepts relevant
for campus involvement. Students meet weekly to participate in activities
and simulations with other first-year students. The Challenge is a joint
effort between the Office of Student Development and the Hess Center
for Leadership and Service. Participants are nominated by faculty and staff
during the fall term.
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