2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 236

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
HON 215 Discovering Photography (1)
An interdisciplinary introduction to the production and understanding
of photography in its cultural context, including the impact on art,
history, media and the way in which we view the world. The basics in
photography are also covered. Camera required (no phone cameras).
No previous experience in photography required. This course may
not be used to satisfy major or minor requirements in studio art or art
history. Prerequisite: Harrison Honors Program.
HON 216 Printmaking: History and Process (1)
An exploration of the evolution of European printmaking, considered
simultaneously in terms of historical and technical development.
Students will consider the aesthetic and social contextual significance
of Old Master artists and works, then produce their own prints utilizing
approximated period techniques and contemporary themes, affording a
direct experience of the inextricable link between history, meaning and
process. Prerequisite: Honors Program or consent.
HON 222 Frankenstein Meets Snow White: Crosscultural Studies in
Romanticism (1)
A seminar concentrating on the literature and culture (i.e., music, art,
science) of Romanticism with special focus on Germany and England.
This course employs a seminar format emphasizing class discussion,
close readings, and lectures covering interdisciplinary material. It
is geared primarily to first-year students. All texts are in English.
Prerequisite: Harrison Honors Program.
HON 224 Crucible Steel: Creative Expression and Human Rights (1)
A course in artistic responses to human rights events. The focus may
be one of any topic of inquiry into issues of human rights and related
creative responses, such as “Birmingham 1963 and Now” and creative
writing. Harrison Scholars may enroll in the course a second time if
the subject matter and creative discipline are different. Prerequisite:
Harrison Honors Program.
HON 225 Creativity: Person, Process, Place (1)
A seminar that reviews and critiques current psychological theory and
research on the creative process in all fields and related questions about
the assessment and interpretation of creative products. Students will
reflect on their own creative process, comparing their experiences to
specific scientists and artists. Topics include creative problem solving,
origins of cognitive and behavioral traits of creative individuals,
and social, historical, and physical contexts conducive to creativity.
Prerequisite: Harrison Honors Program.
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