2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 226

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
THA 298, 398, 498 Teaching Experience in Theatre Arts (½ or 1)
A teaching experience course. Specific guidelines concerning teaching
experiences appear in the Individualized Study section of this catalog.
THA 307 Introduction to Playwriting (1)
An introduction to the principles of dramatic structure, playwriting and
revision. (Also listed as EH 307.) Prerequisite: EH 102 or 208.
THA 310 Set Design (1)
The art of stage design from concept to construction. Fall.
THA 320 Intermediate Acting (1)
Building a character in context and depth through improvisation and
scene study. Prerequisite: THA 120. Fall.
THA 323 Musical Theatre I (1)
The study of musical theatre, approached through analysis,
performance, and criticism. Prerequisite: consent. Fall.
THA 324 Musical Theatre II (1)
Advanced scene study work in the techniques of musical theatre.
Prerequisite: THA 323. Spring.
THA 331 Modern Playwrights (1)
Play reading and script analysis of plays from the advent of realism to
the present. Spring.
THA 370, 470 Seminar in Theatre Art (1)
Selected studies in theatre arts offered at the discretion of the faculty
or by student request. Topics include audition techniques, advanced
acting, playwriting, etc. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite:
THA 403 Directing and Stage Management (1)
A study of the techniques of directing and stage management
approached through practical projects and the staging of a one-act play
(a Leadership Studies designated course). Prerequisite: consent.
THA 499 Senior Project in Theatre (1)
Significant production responsibilities in the Exploration term theatre
production, accompanied by a substantial paper examining the
Exploration term project. This paper may also include other senior
theatre experiences. Required for theatre arts and musical theatre
majors. Exploration term.
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