2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 225

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
Courses in Theatre Arts
THA 100 Introduction to Theatre (1)
An introduction to the understanding and appreciation of dramatic
literature and theatre arts. Spring.
THA 110 Introduction to Stagecraft (1)
An introduction to the principles and practices of constructing stage
settings and furnishings, problem solving using theatre technology,
shop safety and scenic art. Spring.
THA 111 Make-up (1)
Basic techniques in application of stage make-up for the performing
arts. Fall.
THA 120 Beginning Acting (1)
An introduction to the craft of acting, including focus on clarity
and creativity in communication and performance skills, and the
development of character analysis skills. The course reflects a “learning
by doing,” “hands on” approach. Fall, Spring.
THA 201 Theatre Practicum (½)
Practical experience in performance or technical areas of theatre by
participation in College Theatre productions. May be repeated for
credit. Prerequisite: consent. Fall, Spring.
THA 210 Technical Workshop (1)
A practical course in the technical aspects of theatre. Fall, Spring.
THA 211 Stage Lighting (1)
Principles and practice of stage lighting, design, and execution.
Prerequisite: consent. Fall.
THA 223 Voice and Movement (1)
Techniques of vocal production and stage movement, including
Shakespearean sonnets and unarmed combat. Spring.
THA 230 Classic and Modern Theatre (1)
Theatrical production and dramatic literature from the Greeks to the
present. Fall.
THA 293, 393, 493 Independent Study in Theatre Arts (½ or 1)
Directed study for advanced students in the major. Coursework should
stress practical experience in full-length projects, and may include
study in acting, directing, playwriting, or design. Specific guidelines
concerning independent study projects appear in the Individualized
Study section of this catalog. May be repeated for credit.
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