2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 222

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
SN 400 Introduction to Textual Analysis (1)
Study and application of the techniques of textual analysis. Attention
is given to the four basic genres: narrative prose, drama, poetry, and the
essay. Prerequisite: SN 280.
SN 401 Panorama of Spanish Literature (1)
An introduction to Spain’s literature written from the Middle Ages to
the present. Selected works, which include poetry, prose, and drama,
emphasize literature as a reflection of Spanish society of the period.
Prerequisite: SN 280 or 400.
SN 402 Panorama of Latin American Literature (1)
An introduction to Latin American literature written from colonial
times to the present. Selected works, which include poetry, prose, and
drama, reflect the Latin American society of the period. Prerequisite: SN
280 or 400.
SN 471 Senior Research Project in Spanish (1)
Student development and completion of a research project and
accompanying bibliography. Students will work independently to write
a significant research paper in MLA style. Topics of research will vary
according to the interests of the students and sponsoring professor.
Prerequisite: senior standing or consent. Spring.
SN 495 Special Topics in Literature (1)
An in-depth study of a faculty-selected topic in literature, either
from Spain, Latin America, or the Latino United States. Topics may
concentrate on the works of a particular author or on a common theme
running through the selected works of several authors. Prerequisite: SN
400, 401, or 402.
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