2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 214

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
SO 102 Contemporary Social Problems (1)
The application of sociological principles and perspectives in the
analysis of current issues. The impact of social change, deviations from
norms, and conflicts between social structures and social goals and
values are considered in relation to social problems. Fall, Spring.
SO 204 Survey Data Analysis and Statistics (1)
Theory and practice in formulating hypotheses and evaluating them by
analyzing secondary sources of data with statistical analysis software.
Emphasis is placed on data management, data analysis, the use of
appropriate statistics, and the interpretation of statistical output.
Though intended as a prerequisite for EC 304, GCS 304, PS 304 or
SO 304, this course can help any student develop analytical skills.
Laboratory required. (Also listed as EC 204, GCS 204, and PS 204, this
course may be counted for credit in economics, global and comparative
studies, political science or sociology.)
SO 215 Sex, Gender, and Society (1)
A survey of theory and research on males and females; biological and
cultural factors in development and abilities; perception and treatment
of the genders by society; and current gender issues and their historical
context. (Also listed as PY 215, this course may be counted for credit in
either sociology or psychology.) Prerequisites: SO 101 or 102, or PY 101,
and at least sophomore standing. Spring.
SO 293, 393, 493 Independent Study in Sociology (½ or 1)
Directed study for advanced students in the major. Coursework will
include directed readings in sociology. Specific guidelines concerning
independent study projects appear in the Individualized Study section
of this catalog.
SO 298, 398, 498 Teaching Experience in Sociology (½ or 1)
A teaching experience course. Upon invitation, qualified students
may register for this course. Specific guidelines concerning teaching
experiences appear in the Individualized Study section of this catalog.
SO 300 Media and Society (1)
An exploration of the interactive relationship between media and
society from political, psychological, economic, and sociological
perspectives. This course will focus on how media sources such as
television, film, and the Internet, influence society at group and
individual levels and how society, in turn, influences the creation and
production of media. (Also listed as MFS 300, PS 300, PY 300; may be
taken only once.) Offered on alternate years in the spring.
1...,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213 215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,...321
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