2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 211

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
RE 375 Gender and the Hebrew Bible (1)
An exploration of the Hebrew Bible through the lens of gender theory.
On a theoretical level, students develop the skills to read and critique
primary and secondary readings according to their presuppositions
and ideological commitments concerning gender. Additionally, the
course equips students with a more developed understanding of
the complexity of this sacred text that frequently informs modern
conceptions of gender roles (a Leadership Studies designated course).
Prerequisite: at least one unit in RE.
RE 390 Violence and the Bible (1)
An exploration of the violent narratives, imagery, symbolism, and
rhetoric of the Bible. In addition to examining the way biblical texts
have been used to legitimate and authorize violent acts in the world,
a significant focus of this course is how violence functions within the
textual world of the Bible. Attention is given to possible models of
interpretation of and ethical responses to the violent texts of the Bible.
Prerequisite: at least one unit in RE.
RE 401 Seminar in Theological Studies (1)
A seminar on recent theological developments: 1963 to present.
Prerequisite: RE 201.
RE 405 Seminar in Hebrew Bible (1)
A seminar on a theme or book in the Hebrew Bible. Prerequisite: at
least one unit RE.
RE 415 Seminar in Christian Scriptures (1)
A seminar on a theme or book in the Christian Scriptures. Prerequisite:
at least one unit in RE.
RE 450 Religion and Politics in America (1)
An exploration of the relationship between religion and politics in
America. Emphasis is placed on the role of religion in American culture
and how religion affects politics. Also listed as HON 450, this course
may be counted by Honors Program students toward fulfillment of
their course requirements. (Also listed as PS 450.)
RE 470 Senior Seminar in Religion (1)
The senior capstone seminar in which senior religion majors write a
significant research paper. The topic for the paper is decided by the
student in consultation with the instructor. This course is required
for all religion majors during the second semester of their senior
year. Students will present their final projects in a senior conference.
Prerequisite: consent.
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