2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 202

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
PY 304 Research Methods for Psychology (1)
An in-depth study of experimental design techniques, psychological
research methodology, and research report writing in APA style. This
course has a laboratory component in which students will conduct
experiments, including researching a topic with primary sources,
collecting data, analyzing results, and writing the study in APA style.
Laboratory required. Prerequisites: PY 101 and 204. Open only to
psychology majors, or by consent.
PY 305 Advanced Topics in Psychology (1)
An in-depth exploration of theory and research in an advanced area
of psychology. Topics will vary. Some topics may require additional
prerequisites. Prerequisites: PY 101 and consent.
PY 309 Work Behavior (1)
The application of the methods and principles of the science of human
behavior to people at work. (Also listed as SO 309, this course may be
counted for credit in either psychology or sociology.) Prerequisite: PY
101, SO 101, or SO 102.
PY 310 Psychological Testing (1)
A study of the theory and techniques of test development and use
in applied and research settings. Assessment in educational, clinical,
counseling, and personnel settings, as well as issues surrounding the
use of evaluative information are examined. Prerequisites: PY 101 and
PY 311 Psychology of Personality (1)
A survey and analysis of the major theories of personality, including the
psycho-dynamic, trait, phenomenological, and learning approaches.
Prerequisite: PY 101.
PY 312 Biological Psychology (1)
A study of the biological bases of behavior. Includes the study of
brain and neural anatomy, communication between neurons, and
the function of major brain areas. The rest of the course will build on
this knowledge to study the effects on various behaviors including
vision, movement, learning, memory, sexual behavior, lateralization of
function, drug-taking behavior, and psychopathology. Prerequisites: PY
101 and at least junior standing.
PY 313 Psychological Disorders (1)
A survey of psychopathology and abnormal behavior with an emphasis
on the systems and criteria of diagnosis. Theories on the development
and treatment of disorders are also discussed. Prerequisite: PY 101.
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