2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 195

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
PS 325 Contemporary Southern Politics (1)
An in-depth review of the literature on Southern politics as well as
an opportunity for students to complete original research. Primary
emphasis is placed on contemporary Southern political behavior,
including parties and elections, voting behavior, and the politics of
race. Also listed as HON 325, this course may be counted by Honors
Program students toward fulfillment of their course requirements (a
Leadership Studies designated course).
PS 330 Constitutional Law: The Rights and Privileges of the Individual (1)
The guarantees of the rights of person and property as reflected by
Supreme Court decisions balancing individual and governmental
power. Prerequisite: PS 101.
PS 335 Organizational Behavior and Public Administration (1)
Problems of the public service; the roles of the bureaucracy in relation
to public policy, clients, and society. Prerequisite: PS 101.
PS 338 Comparative Political Behavior (1)
An advanced course in analysis of recent studies in comparative politics,
including political parties, interest groups, institutions, ideologies, and
political change. Prerequisite: GCS 100 or PS 238.
PS 340 Comparative Elite Behavior (1)
A cross-national survey of political, social, and economic elites with
emphasis on industrialized societies. Topics include leadership, who
governs, belief systems, recruitment, socialization, and elite-mass
relationships (a Leadership Studies designated course).
PS 342 Comparative Political Development (1)
An introduction to theories and strategies of political development.
Emphasis is placed on applying the theories to a developing nation or
area. Prerequisite: GCS 100 or PS 238.
PS 345 American Political Behavior (1)
Dominant patterns in political culture analyzed for their effect
on socialization, elections, and public policy. Ideological, social,
and technological change provide the substance for a critique of
methodologies. An examination of the role of the media is included.
Prerequisite: PS 101.
PS 355 American Presidency and Congress (1)
An examination of the executive and legislative branches, including
the relationship between the President and Congress, as well as how
both interact with the Bureaucracy, the news media, and the public (a
Leadership Studies designated course).
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