2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 203

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
PY 315 Animal Behavior (1)
An examination of the immediate causes and evolutionary explanations
for the behavior of animals. Emphasis is placed on exposure to
historical perspectives and current ideas about animal behavior,
training in the methodology of behavioral experimentation, and
development of independent, critical thought. Topics include sexual
selection, bird song learning, and aggressive behavior. Three lectures
and one three-hour laboratory per week (one weekend field trip may be
required). (Also listed as BI 315.) Prerequisites: PY 101, BI 115 and BI
225. Spring.
PY 316 Child & Adolescent Psychopathology (1)
A survey of psychological disorders that primarily affect children and
adolescents. The course takes a developmental approach to childhood
psychopathology, focusing on diagnostic criteria and familial,
educational, and individual features associated with each disorder.
Research on etiological theories and treatment is also discussed.
Prerequisite: PY 101.
PY 324 Developmental Psychology (1)
An overview of the theoretical approaches and research methods in
developmental psychology with an emphasis on the hereditary and
environmental influences on physical, social, cognitive, and personality
development in childhood and adolescence. Prerequisite: PY 101.
PY 330 Clinical Psychology (1)
An introduction to the development and current practices of clinical
psychology. Emphasis is placed on models of therapeutic intervention,
assessment, trends in psychotherapy, and ethical, professional, and
research issues. Prerequisite: PY 101.
PY 369 Political Psychology (1)
An advanced course that applies psychological theories of human
cognition, affect, and individual differences to the study of political
behaviors. Topics include the development and maintenance of social
attitudes and political beliefs, decision making, voting and campaigns,
political media, intergroup relations, conflict and violence, and genetic
influences on political behaviors. (Also listed as PS 369.) Prerequisite:
PY 101.
PY 407 Cognitive Psychology (1)
Introduction to the concepts, theories, and methods of cognitive
psychology or the empirical study of the mind and mental processes.
Topics may include neuroscience, attention and consciousness,
perception, memory, knowledge, language, problem solving, reasoning,
judgment, and decision making. Emphasis is placed on theoretical
models grounded in empirical support. Laboratory required.
Prerequisites: PY 101; PY 204 highly recommended.
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