2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 196

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
PS 361 Politics in China and Japan (1)
An examination of the current political systems of the two countries
with focuses on political culture, elites and masses, political institutions
and processes, current issues, and political change. Also listed as HON
361, this course may be counted by Honors Program students toward
fulfillment of their course requirements. Prerequisite: GCS 100 or PS
PS 365 Metropolitan Government and Politics (1)
Growth and development of American cities; their political
organization, functions, legal powers, and position in the federal
system. Prerequisite: PS 101.
PS 366 Politics of Mexico and Central America (1)
An exploration of the political culture and institutions of Mexico and
Central America, focusing on the effects of globalization, economic
integration, regime type, political change, and the role of the United
States. The region’s vast diversity and complexities are examined
but with an emphasis on the interdependent nature of country
relationships. Prerequisite: GCS 100 or PS 238 or PS 240.
PS 368 Political Violence (1)
An examination of the sources, evolution, and outcomes of political
violence and revolution, emphasizing the reasons, justifications, and
rationalizations for violence in its various manifestations within nation-
states. The intersection between violence, religion, and politics will be
explored, as well as sources and types of terrorism. Prerequisites: GCS
100 or PS 238, and at least junior standing.
PS 369 Political Psychology (1)
An advanced course that applies psychological theories of human
cognition, affect, and individual differences to the study of political
behaviors. Topics include the development and maintenance of social
attitudes and political beliefs, decision making, voting and campaigns,
political media, intergroup relations, conflict and violence, and genetic
influences on political behaviors. (Also listed as PY 369.) Prerequisite:
PS 101.
PS 400 International Political Economy (1)
An advanced seminar course that surveys the relationships between
international politics and economics. Contending theoretical
approaches to explaining a variety of IPE phenomena—from
mainstream to radical—will be considered and critically examined.
Topically, this course covers issues ranging from trade, debt, aid, and
development to the role of states, multinational corporations, and
international institutions. An emphasis will be placed upon threats to
political and economic stability in developing countries. Prerequisites:
GCS 100 or PS 235 or PS 238, and at least junior standing.
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