2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 206

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
Major Requirements
The following courses are required (9 units):
one unit from courses on individuals, communities, and religious
RE 100
RE 201
RE 221
RE 222
RE 231
RE 235
RE 275
RE 276
one unit from courses on sacred texts and interpretive practices:
RE 205
RE 215
RE 230
HB 101
HB 102
SK 101
SK 102
six elective units in RE, at least three of which must be in RE at the 300
level or above; HI 282, HON 315, and PL 361 may also be used to
fulfill this requirement
RE 470 (spring of senior year)
Minor Requirements
The following courses are required (5 units):
five units in RE, HB, SK, or HON 315
Courses in Religion
RE 100 Ecospirituality and Environmental Sustainability (1)
An introduction to contemporary ecospirituality and environmental
activism with a focus on environmental sustainability in Alabama. This
course highlights the growing alliance between spiritual awareness and
the environmental movement. Students will read works of ecocentric
theologians and scientific literature on the ecology of Alabama, study
organized environmental initiatives, and gain perspective from field
trips and service-learning. Spring.
RE 201 Christianity (1)
An historical-theological introduction to Christianity with special
attention to the development of Protestantism. Fall, Spring.
1...,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205 207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,...321
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