2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 228

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
UES 470 Senior Seminar in Environmental Studies
BI 314, BI 411, EC 340, EH 325, PL 307, SO 373, and UES 360 have
prerequisites not included in major requirements.
With approval of the UES faculty committee, students may repeat
UES 206 when the focus or methodology differs. Transfer, study abroad,
or environmentally themed courses not currently listed among UES
requirements may also be approved for fulfillment of major requirements.
Students should seek prior approval when possible.
Minor Requirements
The following courses are required (5 units):
UES 150 Introduction to Environmental Studies
UES 160 Environmental Earth Science
UES 210 Environmental Problems and Policy
two elective units from the following:
BI 225 Evolutionary Ecology
BI 314 Conservation Biology or BI 411 General Ecology
EC 340 Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment
EH 325 Natural, Wild and Free: American Environmental Literature
PH 103 Energy and the Environment
PL 307 Environmental Ethics
PY 220 Environment and Behavior
RE 320 Religion and the Natural World
SO 373 Urban Sociology
SO 376 Environmental Sociology
UES 110 Sustainability: The American South and the World
UES 206 Special Topics in Urban Environmental Studies
UES 360 Environmental Justice
BI 225, BI 411, EC 340, PL 307, SO 373, and UES 360 have prerequisites
not included in minor requirements. No more than one unit of UES 206
may count toward the minor.
Courses used to satisfy urban environmental studies minor
requirements may count toward major requirements in biology, economics,
philosophy, political science, and psychology.
Courses in Urban Environmental Studies
UES 110 Sustainability: The American South and the World (1)
An introduction to sustainability issues from a global perspective.
This course offers a social science approach to sustainability drawing
from comparisons among urban areas in the American South with
those in the Global North and South. The course examines concepts
within urban sustainability including land use and urban design,
transportation, urban ecology, energy, environmental justice, economic
development and green building. Fall.
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