2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 175

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
MU 221 Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Music History (1)
A study of Western music from the Middle Ages to the seventeenth
century, surveying both the literature of music and the data of written
history. Prerequisites: MU 123 and 152, and EH 102. Fall.
MU 222 Baroque, Classic, Romantic and Twentieth-Century
Music History (1)
A continuation of MU 221, beginning with the seventeenth century
and extending through major composers of the twentieth century.
Prerequisites: MU 123 and 152, and EH 102. Spring.
MU 421 Piano Literature (½)
Music for the piano with emphasis on the standard recital repertory.
Prerequisite: MU 151. Spring.
MU 422 Orchestral Literature (½)
A survey of compositions for orchestra (symphonies, overtures, tone
poems, and concerti) from the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth
centuries. Prerequisite: MU 222 or consent.
MU 425 Vocal Literature (½)
A study of a selected repertoire for the solo voice. Prerequisite: MU 222
or consent. Spring, every other year.
MU 427 Choral Literature (½)
A survey of choral literature from 1450 to the present, with emphasis
on the anthem, cantata, oratorio, mass, motet, and passion since 1600.
Prerequisite: MU 222 or consent.
MU 499 Senior Project in Music (1)
An extensive paper, composition, or performance preparation.
Prerequisite: senior standing or consent. Exploration term.
Courses in Music Education and Pedagogy
MED 293, 393, 493 Independent Study in Music Education (½ or 1)
Directed study for advanced students in the major. Specific guidelines
concerning independent study projects appear in the Individualized
Study section of this catalog.
MED 298, 398, 498 Teaching Experience in Music Education (½ or 1)
A teaching experience course. Specific guidelines concerning teaching
experiences appear in the Individualized Study section of this catalog.
Upon invitation, and with the approval of their advisors, sophomore,
junior, and senior students may register for no more than one term in
this course.
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