2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 176

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
MED 331 Elementary School Music Methods (½)
Classroom procedures in music, including song materials, recordings,
characteristics of elementary school students, scheduling, equipment,
and teacher qualifications. Prerequisite: MU 152. Fall.
MED 335 Secondary School Music Methods (½)
Classroom procedures in music for high school, including song
materials, recordings, characteristics of high school students,
scheduling, equipment, and teacher qualifications. Prerequisite: MU
152. Spring.
MED 337 Vocal Pedagogy and Diction (½)
Various methods of teaching singing, vocal anatomy, acoustical analysis,
vocal dysphonia, and vocal health issues. A study of Italian, German,
and French pronunciation as it applies to solo vocal repertoire, and
the application of vocal technique. Special emphasis is placed on use
of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), analysis of texts, and
performance of selected works. Fall.
MED 341 Teaching Strings (¼)
MED 343 Teaching Woodwinds (¼)
MED 345 Teaching Brass Instruments (¼)
MED 347 Teaching Percussion Instruments (¼)
Elementary class instruction in techniques and teaching methods for
each group of instruments. Emphasis is given to performance on a
single instrument in the group. Prerequisite: MU 152. Fall: MED 341,
343; Spring: MED 345, 347.
MED 414 Teaching Internship VI (½)
Full-time teaching internship in music in grades K-6 for six weeks under
the supervision of a certified music teacher and the College supervisor
of music education. Prerequisite: consent. Fall, Spring.
MED 415 Teaching Internship VII (½)
Full-time teaching internship in music in grades 7-12 for six weeks
under the supervision of a certified music teacher and the College
supervisor of music education. Prerequisite: consent. Fall, Spring.
MED 499 Senior Project in Music Education (1)
Senior project for the Bachelor of Music Education degree. Prerequisite:
senior standing or consent. Exploration term.
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