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Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2015-2016

ED 412 Internship IV (1½)

Full-time teaching internship in grade 6, 7, 8, or 9 for six weeks under the

supervision of a certified teacher and a college supervisor. Prerequisites:

enrollment in ED 413 and admission to Teacher Education Program. Fall,


ED 413 Internship V (1½)

Full-time teaching internship in grade 10, 11, or 12 for six weeks under the

supervision of a certified teacher and a college supervisor. Prerequisites:

enrollment in ED 412 and admission to Teacher Education Program. Fall,


ED 414 Internship VI (1½)

Full-time teaching internship in art in grades K-6 for six weeks under the

supervision of a certified teacher and a college supervisor. Prerequisites:

enrollment in ED 415 and admission to the Teacher Education Program.

ED 415 Internship VII (1½)

Full-time teaching internship in art in grades 7-12 for six weeks under the

supervision of a certified teacher and a college supervisor. Prerequisites:

enrollment in ED 414 and admission to the Teacher Education Program.


ED 472 Senior Research Project in Education (1)

An advanced exploration of the practices and techniques of educational

research focusing on the reading and writing of the background literature,

conducting and analyzing selected action research, and preparing that

information for public presentation. Each student will select an area of

research that builds on experience from the student’s field experiences

and design essential questions. The course is seminar format. Prerequisite:

admission to Teacher Education Program. Fall, Spring.

ED 499 Internship I (1)

A capstone experience in clinical practice that involves full-time assignment

to a collaborative classroom or resource room for four weeks under

the joint supervision of a certified teacher and two college supervisors.

Students design, plan, and implement coordinated learning experiences

for special-needs children, attend regular seminars, engage in independent

conferences, and participate in the development of Individualized

Education Programs for special-needs students. Students also prepare a

notebook that includes assigned observations, school-related information,

and a daily reflective journal. Prerequisites: at least junior standing and

approval for student teaching internship. Exploration term.