2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 103

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
EC 310 Asian Economies (1)
An introduction to the history of Asian economies, their current
macroeconomic policies and micro business environment. Topics to be
studied include the “economic miracles” of Japan and four Asian Tigers,
developmental strategies of China, India, and Southeast Asian
economies, and US-Asia relations on the basis of a geographical,
cultural, and historical approach. Prerequisite: EC 201.
EC 311 Quantitative Analysis for Business and Economics (1)
Selected methods and techniques related to managerial choice and
administrative decision making. The course is strongly recommended
for majors. (Also listed as BA 311). Prerequisite: MA 207 or 231. Fall,
EC 340 Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment (1)
An examination of the economic theory of natural resource use and the
environment. Prerequisite: EC 201 or 202.
EC 350 Labor Economics (1)
An introduction to the field of labor economics. Topics covered include
theories of supply and demand for labor, wage determination, non-
wage compensation schemes, investments in human capital, and
government intervention into the labor market. Prerequisites: EC 201
and 202.
EC 410 International Economics (1)
The theory of international trade, balance of payments, international
financial institutions, the structure of trade, international impacts on
income distribution, trade policy including protection and regulation.
Prerequisites: EC 201 and 202.
EC 420 History of Economic Thought (1)
A study of the evolution of economic thought from Aristotle and Plato
to New Keynesianism and Neo-classicism. Prerequisite: EC 201 or 202.
EC 425 Industrial Organization (1)
A course examining the economic behavior of producers in various
situational settings. Prerequisite: EC 202.
EC 430 Economic Growth and Development (1)
A study of theories of economic growth, alternative approaches to
development policy, and their applications in various developing
countries or regions. Prerequisites: EC 201 and 202.
EC 460 Senior Research Seminar in Economics (1)
A seminar devoted to enhancing students’ ability to synthesize
economic research and communicate that knowledge both orally and
through writing. Should be taken in the fall term in preparation for EC
470 in the following spring term. Prerequisite: senior standing. Fall.
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