2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 108

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
Visual Art P-12
Music Education P-12
Each program has four components: general studies, professional
studies, internship/student teaching, and teaching field/major studies.
Completion of the Teacher Education Program is necessary, but not
sufficient, for recommendation for a teaching certificate. A student must
also satisfy the following conditions:
(1) Completion of the College’s graduation requirements.
(2) Achieve a minimum 2.50 cumulative grade point average in profes-
sional studies and in the teaching field with no grade below “C” in
professional studies. A grade of “C-” is not acceptable.
(3) Demonstrate proficiency in teaching by achieving a grade of “B-” or
better in all student teaching internships.
(4) Pass written comprehensive examinations on knowledge of the
field(s) and knowledge of professional education practices.
Elementary/Collaborative Education (Bachelor of Science)
Professors Jacobs, Lewis-Ferrell, Russell, and Spencer, Advisors
The major in elementary/collaborative education prepares students
to teach children in grades kindergarten through 6. The program leads to
recommendation to the Alabama State Department of Education for Class
B teaching certificates in Collaborative Teacher (Special Education) and in
Elementary Education K-6.
I. General Studies
Students must complete the general education curriculum
requirements of the College. Additional courses in mathematics,
English language arts, social science, and science are also required to
meet state certification requirements.
II. Professional Studies (6 units)
ED 299
ED 201
ED 210
EPY 223
EPY 260
EPY 320
III. Teaching Field and Major Studies (9 units)
ED 219
ED 315
ED 316
ED 317
ED 318
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