2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 102

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
EC 293, 393, 493 Independent Study in Economics (½ or 1)
Directed study for advanced students in the major. Coursework may
include supervised reading, fieldwork, written reports, or analysis of
theoretical and practical problems. One independent study course
(at the 300 level or above) may count towards the economics major.
Specific guidelines concerning independent study projects appear in the
Individualized Study section of this catalog.
EC 298, 398, 498 Teaching Experience in Economics (½ or 1)
A teaching experience course. Specific guidelines concerning teaching
experiences appear in the Individualized Study section of this catalog.
Open to sophomores, juniors, or seniors with consent of major advisor.
EC 303 Money and Banking (1)
A study of the financial intermediary and payments system of the
United States; operations, supervision and history of commercial banks;
the Federal Reserve System and its control of the money supply; the
economy of the United States and the influence thereon of monetary
policy; the international payments system; money and capital markets.
Prerequisite: EC 201.
EC 304 Research Methodology (1)
The scientific method applied to economic, social and political
phenomena: formulating hypotheses; techniques for collecting data,
measuring variables, and interpreting research findings. The course
includes a laboratory in which statistical procedures are applied,
interpreted, and documented through completion of a significant
research project. Laboratory required. (Also listed as GCS 304, PS 304
and SO 304, this course may be counted for credit in economics, global
and comparative studies, political science or sociology.) Prerequisite: EC
204, GCS 204, PS 204 or SO 204. Spring.
EC 305 Comparative Economic Systems (1)
The examination and analysis of alternative economic systems in theory
and practice. Particular attention is paid to the economic structure,
regulatory policies, fiscal and monetary policies of various nations
which are committed to rival doctrines of economic organization.
Prerequisites: EC 201 and 202.
EC 308 Macroeconomics (1)
A study in depth of the aggregates of economic society: Gross National
Product, national income, personal income; the balance of savings and
investment; economic stability; economic growth. Prerequisites: EC
201, 202, and MA 231. Fall.
EC 309 Microeconomics (1)
A survey of contemporary theory concerning consumption, production,
demand, supply; market price under competition and monopoly; factor
prices; wages, interest, rent; the concept of profits. Prerequisites: EC 201,
202 and MA 231. Spring.
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