2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 97

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
Courses in Greek
GK 101 Elementary Greek I (1)
An introduction to the basic forms and fundamental syntax of Attic
Greek. Prerequisite: consent.
GK 102 Elementary Greek II (1)
A continuation of elementary Greek with special emphasis on the verb.
Prerequisite: GK 101.
GK 245 Directed Greek Readings (1)
Independent reading of elementary authors suited to student need and
interest. May be taken more than once for credit.
Courses in Latin
LA 101 Elementary Latin I (1)
An introduction to the basic forms and grammar of classical Latin. The
first semester emphasizes the forms of nouns and verbs and their use in
simple sentences and clauses. Fall.
LA 102 Elementary Latin II (1)
A continuation of the material of Latin I with an emphasis on
complex sentences and clauses, rhetorical practices, and the reading of
continuous Latin. Prerequisite: LA 101. Spring.
LA 201 Fundamentals of Latin Grammar (1
A review of the fundamentals of grammar designed primarily for
students who have had only one or two years of language on the high
school level.
LA 245 Directed Latin Readings (1)
Independent reading of elementary authors suited to student need and
interest. May be taken more than once for credit.
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