2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 92

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
CH 298, 398, 498 Teaching Experience in Chemistry (½ or 1)
A teaching experience course. Specific guidelines concerning teaching
experiences appear in the Individualized Study section of this catalog.
CH 306 Inorganic Chemistry (1)
A course containing both theoretical and descriptive inorganic
chemistry. Topics include group theory and symmetry, crystal field
theory, coordination chemistry, reaction mechanisms, organometallic
chemistry, and bioinorganic chemistry. Three lectures and one three-
hour laboratory per week. Prerequisites: CH 212 and 220. Spring.
CH 308 Biochemistry (1)
An introduction to the structure, chemistry, and metabolism of
carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids. Areas of emphasis
include enzyme catalysis, kinetics and inhibition; protein structure and
function; and detailed analysis of metabolic pathways. Three lectures
per week. (Also listed as BI 308, this course may be counted for credit
in either biology or chemistry.) Prerequisites: BI 125 and CH 211, or CH
212; junior standing. Fall, Spring.
CH 410 Senior Research in Chemistry (1)
A research experience in chemistry during the senior year. Requirements
include a paper written in the style of a scientific journal article and an
oral presentation to students and faculty. Prerequisites: CH 212 and
consent. Fall, Spring.
CH 411 Physical Chemistry I (1)
Principles of chemical kinetics, elementary quantum theory, and
spectroscopy. Three lecture periods, one three-hour laboratory, and one
DHAR laboratory per week. Students are strongly encouraged to take
MA 310 or equivalent prior to taking CH 411. Prerequisites: CH 212, CH
220, MA 232, and PH 122. Fall.
CH 412 Physical Chemistry II (1)
Continuation of CH 411, stressing chemical thermodynamics. Three
lectures, one three-hour laboratory, and one DHAR laboratory per
week. Prerequisite: CH 411. Spring.
CH 418 Medicinal Chemistry: Mechanisms and Biosynthesis of Select
Antibiotics (1)
A study in the mechanistic details of selected antibiotics. Lectures
and student presentations focus on targets and mechanistic details
of antibiotics from several major classes including
cephalosporins, tetracyclines, macrolides, and aminoglycosides.
Antibiotic targets include bacterial cell-wall biosynthesis, bacterial
protein synthesis, and bacterial DNA replication. Three lectures per
week. Prerequisites: CH 212 and BI 125. Spring.
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