2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 84

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
BI 411 General Ecology (1)
A study of organisms at the population, community, and ecosystem
levels of biological organization. Emphasis is placed on organism-
environment and organism-organism interactions. Three lectures and
one three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisites: BI 225 and at least
junior standing. Fall of odd-numbered years.
BI 415 Evolution (1)
A study of the basic theories and processes of organic evolution with
emphasis on sources of variability and the organization of variability in
populations, population genetics, and the origin of species by natural
selection. Prerequisite: BI 215.
BI 425 Comparative Vertebrate Embryology (1)
A descriptive study of the development of vertebrates from
gametogenesis through organogenesis. Three lectures, one three-hour
laboratory, and one DHAR laboratory per week. Prerequisites: BI 115
and at least junior standing. Spring.
BI 442 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (1)
A study of the phylogenetic development of chordate systems with
special emphasis on the comparative morphology of a series of
vertebrates. Three lectures, one three-hour laboratory, and one DHAR
laboratory per week. Prerequisites: BI 115 and at least junior standing.
BI 470 Directed Research I (1)
An advanced exploration of the practices and techniques of biological
research focusing on the design, execution, and presentation of
experiments, data analysis, and information retrieval. This course is
the first of two required units of senior capstone research. Prerequisite:
consent. Fall, Spring, Summer.
BI 472, 499 Directed Research II (1)
An advanced exploration of the practices and techniques of biological
research focusing on the design, execution, and presentation of
experiments, data analysis, and information retrieval. Either of these
courses may be completed as the second of two required units of senior
capstone research. Prerequisite: BI 470. Fall, Exploration term, Spring,
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