2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 82

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
BI 298, 398, 498 Teaching Experience in Biology (½ or 1)
A teaching experience course. Specific guidelines concerning teaching
experiences appear in the Individualized Study section of this catalog.
BI 301 Molecular Genetics and Genomics (1)
An in-depth study of the molecular structure, function, recombination,
and transmission of the genetic material. Techniques for acquiring
and analyzing data at the genome-wide level will be addressed. Three
lectures, one three-hour laboratory, and one DHAR laboratory per
week. Prerequisites: BI 215, either CH 120 or 149, and at least junior
standing. Fall.
BI 303 Physiology (1)
A study of the functions of organ systems and their role in regulation
of body processes. Three lectures, one three-hour laboratory, and one
DHAR laboratory per week. Prerequisites: BI 125, and either CH 120 or
149. Spring.
BI 304 Microbiology (1)
An introduction to basic and applied microbiology. Fundamentals of
bacteriology, virology, and immunology are covered. Laboratory work
includes basic, clinical, and diagnostic microbiology. Two lectures, one
three-hour laboratory, and one DHAR laboratory per week. Prerequisite:
BI 125. Spring.
BI 308 Biochemistry (1)
An introduction to the structure, chemistry, and metabolism of
carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids. Areas of emphasis
include enzyme catalysis, kinetics and inhibition, protein structure and
function, and detailed analysis of metabolic pathways. Three lectures
per week. (Also listed as CH 308, this course may be counted for credit
in either biology or chemistry.) Prerequisites: BI 125 and CH 211, or CH
212; junior standing. Fall, Spring.
BI 314 Conservation Biology (1)
A study of population and ecosystem level processes required to
understand and conserve biodiversity. Emphasis is placed upon
the genetics and demographics of populations, the implications of
species interactions and community influences on conservation, and
management and sustainable development case studies. Prerequisite: BI
225. Fall of odd-numbered years.
BI 315 Animal Behavior (1)
An examination of the immediate causes and evolutionary explanations
for the behavior of animals. Emphasis is placed on exposure to
historical perspectives and current ideas about animal behavior,
training in the methodology of behavioral experimentation, and
development of independent, critical thought. Topics include sexual
selection, bird song learning, and aggressive behavior. (Also listed as PY
315.) Prerequisites: BI 225 and PY 101. Spring.
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