2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 116

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
ED 415 Internship VII (1½)
Full-time teaching internship in art in grades 7-12 for six weeks
under the supervision of a certified teacher and a college supervisor.
Prerequisites: enrollment in ED 414 and admission to the Teacher
Education Program. Spring.
ED 472 Senior Research Project in Education (1)
An advanced exploration of the practices and techniques of educational
research focusing on the reading and writing of the background
literature, conducting and analyzing selected action research, and
preparing that information for public presentation. Each student will
select an area of research that builds on experience from the student’s
field experiences and design essential questions. The class is seminar
format. Prerequisite: admission to Teacher Education Program. Spring.
ED 499 Internship I (1)
A capstone experience in clinical practice that involves full-time
assignment to a collaborative classroom or resource room for four
weeks under the joint supervision of a certified teacher and two college
supervisors. Students design, plan, and implement coordinated learning
experiences for special-needs children, attend regular seminars, engage
in independent conferences, and participate in the development of
Individualized Education Programs for special-needs students. Students
also prepare a notebook that includes assigned observations, school-
related information, and a daily reflective journal. Prerequisites: at least
three years of college coursework and approval for student teaching
internship. Exploration term.
Courses in Educational Psychology
EPY 223 The Developing Child in the Twenty-first Century (1)
Theories of child development to help students understand the
mental, social, and emotional patterns of development from preschool
through adolescence. Students will engage in discussions about how
phenomena unique to the culture of the United States in the twenty-
first century affect development and learning. Laboratory required. Fall,
EPY 260 Survey of Exceptional Children (1)
The role and scope of educational programs for exceptional children
including etiology, identification, and incidence. An overview of how
individualized programs are developed and planned is also included.
Laboratory required. Fall, Spring.
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