2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 120

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
Courses in English
EH 102 Seminar in Critical Thinking and Writing (1)
A seminar on college-level writing and critical inquiry. The course
emphasizes clear and engaging prose, persuasive reasoning, various
rhetorical strategies, research documentation, and standard English
grammar and mechanics. Prerequisite: placement by English faculty.
Fall, Spring.
EH 160 America in the 1960s (1)
An exploration of American culture in the 1960s, focusing on literary
texts but supplemented by the music, films, and political documents
of the decade. Throughout the term, students evaluate the legacy of the
1960s by identifying ways in which it is still with us today.
EH 200 Introduction to Literature (1
Critical approaches to poetry, short stories, and drama. Fall, Spring.
EH 204 Writing for the Media (1)
A survey of writing styles and techniques appropriate for news writing,
public affairs reporting, and feature articles for print, broadcast, and
Internet media. Prerequisite: EH 102 or 208.
EH 205 Introduction to Creative Writing (1)
Beginning work in creative writing in several genres, including fiction,
poetry and either drama or creative nonfiction, at the discretion of
the instructor. Using a combination of in-class exercises, readings,
and workshops, the course introduces students to the fundamentals
of creating, reading, and evaluating short pieces of creative writing.
Prerequisite: EH 102 or 208.
EH 208 Intermediate Writing (1)
The development of intensive analytical skills, precise and extensive
vocabulary, and consciousness of style. Prerequisite: EH 102 or
placement by English faculty. Fall, Spring.
EH 209 Teaching and Tutoring Writing (½)
Introduces methods for effective tutoring and teaching of writing.
Required for students who serve as tutors in the Writing Center.
Prerequisite: consent.
EH 210 Introduction to Fiction (1)
An introduction to the short story, in American, British, and world
literature, with some attention to longer fiction. Fall, Spring.
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