2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 122

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
EH 227 From Suffrage to Cyborgs: Twentieth-Century Feminism(s) and
the Novel (1)
An introduction to the social interpretation of twentieth-century
American novels through the study of feminism. This course traces a
lineage of first and second wave American feminisms by coupling our
exploration of novels by, for, and about women with contemporaneous
theoretical and historical texts. By pairing famous literary works by Kate
Chopin, Zora Neale Hurston, Sylvia Plath, and Maxine Hong Kingston
with feminist texts by John Stuart Mill, Sojourner Truth, Simone de
Beauvoir and Betty Friedan we will investigate the relationship between
literature and social movements.
EH 228 Ourselves and Others: Gender, Race, and Class in Literature (1)
An introduction to the study of literature through reading, discussion,
and community service. Students examine works of fiction, poetry,
and drama that wrestle with differences of gender, race, and socio-
economic class that have the capacity to divide us as well as enrich our
perspectives. Fifteen hours of community service tutoring at local after-
school programs and providing meals and conversation to women and
children at a local shelter creates a powerful connection between literary
study and the lives of our neighbors.
EH 229 Protest Literature (1)
An introduction to the study of literature through works written
specifically to change the world, or at least some aspect of it. Among
the more famous works that have been labeled “protest literature”
are Harriet Beecher Stowe’s
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
, Upton Sinclair’s
, John Steinbeck’s
The Grapes of Wrath
, and Kurt Vonnegut’s
Slaughterhouse Five
. The class examines a variety of movements for social
change within the historical contexts of the American Revolution, the
antebellum period, the progressive era, and the 1960s.
EH 230 and 231 Plural America I (1) and II (1)
This sequence of courses introduces students to the plurality of
the American culture from within the liberal arts traditions of
history and literature. The intent is to recognize the aspects of other
cultures appropriated into the Western tradition but often either
unacknowledged or glossed over. The end should be an appreciation
of the achievements and limitations of our Western heritage, and a
heightened sensitivity to the cultural diversity of the world-at-large.
Plural America I focuses on Native American and Chicano history and
literature and on the European context of American society; Plural
America II focuses on African-American and Asian-American history
and literature and on the 1960s as a catalyst for multi-culturalism. Also
listed as HON 230 and 231, these courses may be counted by Honors
Program students toward fulfillment of their course requirements. (Also
listed as HI 230 and 231.) Prerequisite: EH 102 or 208.
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