2014-15 澳门新葡京官网 College Catalog - page 119

Birmingham-Southern College Catalog 2014-2015
Major Requirements
The following courses are required (12 units):
EH 205
EH 250
EH 260
EH 300
one unit emphasizing a breadth of literary study (category 1): EH 349,
355, 375, 381, 389, 390
one unit emphasizing a depth of literary study (category 2): EH 310,
330, 360, 380
one unit emphasizing literature of a different time, place, or culture
(category 3): EH 350, 351, 361, 384, 385
one unit emphasizing contemporary literature (category 4): EH 392,
394, 395, 396
one unit emphasizing literary theory (category 5): EH 400, 410, 420,
two elective units (excluding EH 208), at least one of which must be at
the 300 level or above
one unit of EH 470, 471, or 472
Two units used to fulfill major requirements must be taken from the
following courses that concentrate on literature written before 1900: EH
349, 350, 351, 360, 361, 380, 381, or 388. EH 330 and EH 389 may also
count as a “pre-1900” course if the major author(s) under consideration
wrote before 1900. Students should consult with their advisors carefully as
they seek to fulfill category requirements and the requirement of taking two
“pre-1900” courses.
Minor Requirements
Exploration term projects, service-learning, and teaching experience
courses may not count toward any EH minor. Internships may not count
toward the literature minor.
Minor in Literature
The following courses are required (5 units):
two 200-level literature courses, one of which must be EH 250 or
three 300-level literature courses
Minor in Writing
The following courses are required (5 units):
EH 204 or 205
four units from MFS 222, EH 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307
(also listed as THA 307), or 493 when a contracted advanced
writing course
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